Friday, May 12, 2006

Benevolent Bloggers

We need Mothers without borders!

So, this Mother's Day, along with a growing host of other bloggers, my family will join in for a Benevolent Blogging event to raise money for a selected charity. For us it's the
"Orphan Foundation of America"

Benevolent Blogging, the idea of Katie of Scentzilla and Seldom Nice Nowadays, really does show a wonderful side of the communities that grow around the world via blogging and networks. For each comment left on Yankee Family goes South, on the calendar date of May 14th, My family will donate $1.00 to the Orphan Foundation of America.

Here is the growing list of other BB participants


Anonymous said...

This is an awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

Great cause -- Happy Mother's Day!


StickyKeys said...

I'm a friend of Katie's. Happy Mother's Day! Good luck, and thanks for doing this, it's really great!

Brandon said...

thanks for playng! happy mama's day!